April Fools
So today is the greatest day for the Merciless Midgets! The day that represents ALL that the Midgets stand for! So let us recap on some of MANY adventures the MM went on today.
Well it started out with a good ol' april fools joke.
So we then decided that the april fools must be put in the form of a Mass Mailer! Although it started as a joke we were very suprised at the serious responces that THIS mailer got!
So everything was going well but we decided that if we were to bring the true festivities of April Fools to the realm of Darkspear we must do it outside the halls of Ironforge. So the Fun moved to the boats of Menethiel.
Lets duel Mr. Tall it will be fun!
This can't be good!
Arn't you suppose to be on TOP the boat not under it?
But then what do I hear? That on this holy day of rest <CADIA> is attempting to raid a Dragon in Azshara? Immediately I rounded up a slave and began my journey to Azshara but alas I was too late Cadia had already sinned and killed a dragon on April Fools day :(. Those who received lewt were appropriately punished.
And punished again.
Look Mr. Kuroda today is no Toll day I'm going to let you live!
Uh Oh.... Looks like somebody has a potty Mouth!
We cannot have this kind of language on our fine server.
Oh well at least he is getting suspended!