Cloak.........King of the Alliance..... Defender of all those small and
tall....... has now left our fine server of Darkspear.
As much as the Merciless Midgets disliked this Filthy Tall we feel that when Cloak leaves the server and the game of WOW that a little piece of Darkspear goes with him. Yea it might be that piece that logs on after having way too much to drink and says a lot of F*cked up $hit and then later comes on the forums the next day to apolagize. But hey.... isn't that was Darkspear is all about! The Merciless Midgets have erected this shrine to Cloak so that his memory will live inside of us forever and perhaps we will learn a little bit more today about the man.... the essence..... the legend.... that is CLOAK.....or perhaps you already forgot about him. EIther way observe!
Many people believe that Cloaks first appearance on Video Games was Wow itself. What they don't understand is Cloak was a professional model for many characters in video games ranging all the way back to late 80's. Observe our proof!
But who is Cloak REALLY? Where did he come from? Well Cloaks father was a professional high diver. However, due to his size he was unable to ever pass any trials to get into the US Olympics. Cloak always resented his father for not spending more time with him which is what originally lead Cloak to the world of Video Games.
Now as for Cloaks Mother? Due to the large size of Cloak at birth (24 lb's 6 ounces) she died during the pregnancy. However, some of our leading artists have recreated what we believe Cloaks Mother would have looked like if she was 6" tall and playing in a Blueberry Pie.
So what does that leave us with? It leaves us with Cloak himself. Here are early photo's of Cloak and his Sister. I want you to pay close attention to the Kneeling pose he has taken? Perhaps it is at this age that he was officially made "Knight of the Alliance"?
Cloak grew up to be the Man we know today.
With no family but two adorable pets.
But then one day.... it was the speech that shook the server. The farewell speech of Cloak AND I QUOTE:
"Well, I really
not sure where to start with this. We all know I'm not really good with words.
Or lengthy speeches that involve me.
So, in the cliff notes version of everything. I was given a real life
opportunity that I feel I must jump on. This opportunity will take me down to
almost 0 play time. I can not ask people to follow a leader who is never there.
I will be offically be closing the doors on the Empire and walking off into the
perverbial sunset.
I enjoyed playing with many of you. Some I enjoyed playing against you. Good
rivalries are hard to come by.
For those who want to contact me you may at
Going out like Jordan of the Bulls and not Jordan of the Wizards"
What does this mean? Where did Cloak go? The Merciless Midgets Immediately put hours of research into finding exactly what this "Opportunity" could have been?
We quickly narrowed it down to 4 things that could possibly pull a man away from wow.
1) The Beach
2) Love
3) Injury
4) An Invitation to a dance dance party with a midget?
Later we found out Cloak actually had an opportunity to do ALL FOUR THINGS! So congratulations Cloak!
Cloak at The Beach
Cloaks Love. And we don't use the term love as in "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" This is more of the love that cries "OMG I will never EVER get a chick like this again so I'll be damned if I'm gonna let love stop me from riding this $hit!"
Cloaks Injury? Possibly a later hospitalization? From what we can tell Cloak did not fall but jumped from the window of his house after getting pwned by Healem in a duel.
But really folks. The TRUE reason that cloak along with other Empire
desire to leave the server and game.................OUR DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION
PARTIES! CHECK IT OUT!.... Tell me if you got invited to one of
these you would still be on wow!