WELCOME all Game Masters of the World of Warcraft. At first we did not get off to the right foot and even today we have our small quarrels but it was brought to my attention over the previous few days that you too would like to slave for the Merciless Midgets! I commend you fine makers of WOW for your excellent decision and ability to realize the power of the Merciless Midgets!
For those of you who are not aware of the GM's decision to slave with us or perhaps those who do not know why let me fill you in. Did you ever wonder why we the Merciless Midgets built our city as a great forge? Did you REALLY think it was for smithing weapons and armor? If so then you must be a silly tall. The forge was created so that the Midgets could begin an underground smelting factory of turning gold coins into gold bars! The gold bars would then be used to allow the Merciless Midgets to acquire Blizzard Entertainment ITSELF! Now that blizzard has surrendered to our demands and decided to slave I suppose we can post our genius plan:
1) The Merciless Midgets would create a Fort Cocks in the hills of Dun Morough to house and guard all our gold. Similar to Fort Knoxx but cooler.
2) The Merciless Midgets begin printing paper currency
3) United States Currency is backed by NOTHING..... Just the faith in the US govenment. Midget currency becomes backed by the numerous gold bars that we have been housing. The people all over the world begin believing this money and prices shoot above the Euro, Dollar, Yen Etc.
4) Midgets buy blizzard.
5) Gold Farmers also become rich but with all the money they accumulate somehow still never manage to learn english.
For those of you who demand proof of this new guild and proof of the GM's loyalty to the midgets OBSERVE!
Uh Oh, We have seen this message before. The GM's wanting to ban us?
Don't tell me the whiny bluebies are going to make us stop :(
Wait whats this? All 200 reports over the last 3 days got told to deal with it?!
Secrets to allow us to defeat the filthy talls legally?
COMPLETE CUSTOMER SERVICE? This has to be a joke?!
The GM begins making small talk.... Small Talk? what happened to Thank you please send any questions and concerns to our e-mail.
GM taking our laundry list of people we wanted banned for the week :)
Intricate details of the entire system of banning people.
The MM and GM's then come to a meeting of the minds on how exactly we are going to corpse camp and infinite sap people and get away with it.
And is there really an extreme case in anything?
The million dollar question.....
The 10 million dollar answer. DIE TALLS!
The Character that will join M2M
So everyone WELCOME raclin to the Merciless Masters! And now for the next initiate.
Uh Oh! Maybe they are going to stop us by taking down the M2M while leaving the MM intact.
Oh nevermind its another GM that wants to join the Merciless Game Masters.
Whats this? The gm's LAUGH at your pathetic talls filthy cries. Thats right... Your crying bluebie attitudes get
Welcome Evolan to the Merciless Game Masters. We will keep you all informed with GM's who have
joined out cause. Thank You.