As many of you know a guild can only become so powerful before it becomes necessary for it to merge with other guilds. This lame occurrence has been taking place on our fine server of Darkspear for months now. "The Lost Prophecy" and "Domion" Became "The Lost Dominion". You see both guilds were very weak. So by merging their powers together they were able to become 2X weaker than they had ever dreamed! Another perfect example is the guild "Allies". A collision of guilds nobody had ever heard about merged together and no more than a few months later they became a guild that.... nobody ever hears of! With potential such as this we the Merciless Midgets felt it IMPERATIVE that we Find a guild to merge with.
But what guild? What is in a guild? How would be choose? After announcing our desire to merge with guilds we received tells from Artful Death, C.A.D.I.A, Iron Jackles, Mayhem, and many others! We decided the only way to choose would be to pick a guild with a STRONG leader. A leader SO POWERFUL that our foes would tremble when they heard he joined forces with the mighty Healem. So we picked.....The Green Cows lead by the mighty Rinn himself!
And so Rinn no longer stood alone in his quest to conquer the world. And I, Healem with my new found alliance have become more powerful than ever imagined!
I quickly glanced at my co-leader when we heard cries from The Green Merciless Cow Midgets that there was a battle! Rinn and I wasted no time and were not about to leave our comrades alone to die!
I quickly gather my strongest midgets to lead a counter-attack on this unknown threat! Then I turn to Rinn and ask...
Despite the lack of cows that were going to be accompanying us we begin our long journey anyway. As we run toward the death cries of our brethren we realize they are coming from the horde town of SplinterTree! With little time to spare we buff on the run!
But then Rinn becomes worried! With only 23 levels under his belt the suspense of the looming battle causes insanity to set in!
Luckily for us Wazu and I were able to convince him that we did not know any horde friends who were going to dispose of him and put all his worries to rest!
We once again begin traveling to discover what it is that could have wiped out the entire city of SplinterTree along with so many of my midget Younglings! But as we drew closer......we could not believe our eyes!!!!! Our enemy leapt from the trees and went straight for Rinn!!!!!!!!!
It appeared Grand Marshall Lag and Mr. Fuzz had Teamed up against us!
Rinn was getting pwned pretty hard!
Did I say Go Mr.Fuzz? I meant GO AWAY! Leave my Co-Leader ALONE!
Rinn turned around and began trying to defend himself from Mr. Fuzz but alas he was too powerful for him!
Rinn cries out profanities against his once brother Mr. Fuzz before he dies.
We tried to save Rinn so very hard but a little bit of me feels he blames us for his death.
So we decide to quickly avenge the death of our co-leader!
It was a long hard fight but we were eventually able to bring the beast down! The huge bunny. Who had become rabid and looked almost like a wolf was vanquished! We then quickly tried to revive Rinn.
But it was too late. He was beyond saving! WHY CRUEL WORLD OH WHY DID YOU TAKE MY CO-LEADER!
The night ended with me having to write the most painful letter of my life..... A letter ceasing and terminating the once glorious merger of The Merciless Midgets and The Green Cows.......I'm sorry my brothers... I tried...