Well For those of you who do not know there once was a Merciless Midget who went by the name of Tinka.  She was a brave and powerful gnome and many young padawan Midgets looked to her for her leadership and guidance.  But then one day the Mega-Tall Gm's decided that the Tinka had become TOO powerful and was giving the Merciless Midgets an unfair advantage in disposing of the Talls.  So they banned Tinka.... again....but this time.... FOREVER.  What they DIDN'T know is that Tinka had hot Gnome intercourse with what was also once a Merciless Midget by the name of Valmore.  This produced an offspring that went by the name of Biter which rivaled the powers of the once great Tinka herself.


  However, Biter still had too much of her father in her.  Valmore.... Who we all know went to the dark side.  And Biter has believed that a life without Midgetism is right for her.  The Merciless Midgets have made one final attempt to gain her trust and love before we make this upcoming war against Biter a reality and she perishes from our fine server forever. 


    So the great leader of the Merciless Midgets... Healem... Challenged the Mega-Talls to a duel.  If the Mega-Tall GM won then the MM would disband forever.  If Healem won then they had to unban Tinka and take her to the happiest place on earth for ONE FULL day.  Needless to Say Healem pwned the GM's.  Biter... I know your mother was banned before you were born.  But here she is... Isn't she beautiful.



Biter.... I hope what we have done for your mother is enough for you realize the power of Midgetism.  I'm sorry you weren't there to be with us but I will now show you everything that happened on the day we brought back Tinka.  It started with us hoppin on a Griffon to go to Toon Town.

But it appeared that whoever designed the flight paths inside of Disneyland were EXTREMELY stupid.  From the front gate you can only fly to Tomorrowland.  So Tinka quickly mounted up.

But as we were traveling to Toon Town we discovered a terrible truth..... Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth for TALLS not for SHORTS!  There was much racism all across the park towards Tinka!  There were even signs proclaiming this racism!

So Tinka and I decided it was time to take down Disneyland.  We spotted a Midget Cave much like the one in SplinterTree and stayed there to plan our attack.

Tinka then informed me that with her account being banned she had lost her equipment.  We heard a traveling chinese gold farmer (which apparently live at disneyland) that there was a "sword in a stone".  So we quickly traveled to get this high DPS weapon.

Next we noticed that Tinka had a MASSIVE amount of rested experience.  We decided it would be waste to just leave it there so Tinka and I traveled around Disneyland power leveling.  First we camped what appeared to be a Murloc.

But the Murloc was very powerful and Tinka had not built up any rage!  So I suggested she build her rage on a critter such as a cow.

And finally to get some more phat lewt we traveled to what appeared to be the Ungoro Crater of Disneyland.  We knew this only by the presence of a Devilsaur!

Now that Tinka was equipped, leveled up, and had some rage built up we decided to attack.  We found a filthy tall and quickly Tinka Charged it!

Look at that look of FEAR in his eyes!  But just then tinka got hit by a net gun!

There was obviously a Tall with Engineering in the Area?  But who could it be?  We glanced around and noticed it was Indian Jones himself!  QUICKLY TINKA.... CHAAARRRGGEEE for KORREEEAAA.

The filthy talls attempt at blinding Tinka with his Indian Jones Hat failed miserably.  He was disposed of but it was so graphic I cannot post the pic.  This great slaughtering continued for hours and hours.  We tried to tell the talls to leave and they would be spared but the language barrier stopped us.  Instead we just wrote it in l33t on their walls!


With all the talls dead Tinka took her throne as queen of what use to be the happiest place on Earth.

We left the park and Tinka's day was over... I'm sorry Biter but she was Re-banned.  I did however, being the clever Dwarf I am remember to get her hand stamped incase we go back.  Come back to us Biter....  It is what Tinka would have wanted.