June 17th, 2005

One of the most Powerful of our Merciless Midgets, Biter, has threatened to leave the ways of Midgetism FOREVER.  She has until June 18th to write a 3 page paper on the errors of her Decision and rejoin or the Merciless Midgets will declare an all out war against this fellw gnome.  In an attempt to show our love the The Merciless Midgets did what was necessary to make the GM Mega-Talls bring back Biter's Mother, Tinka, for one day.  You can view all of it HERE


June 14th, 2005

One of our dear Merciless Midgets has gone to the Dark Side.  Thats right he Valmore has decided to go bluebie, love talls, and make love to other men.  CLICK HERE to read about his fall to the dark side.


June 2nd, 2005

The Merciless Midgets have been toying with the idea of merging with another guild.  This would make us UNSTOPPABLE like the Unstoppable druid Grasseater!  Our first merger was a huge failure.  You can view the details of the merger HERE.



May 18th, 2005

One of the most amazing things took place today.  A cake was delivered by the gods to Tinka and Ginyu's house.  We have all the amazing details HERE!


May 11th, 2005

As the Honor System Battles RAGE ON it has become very clear to everyone that Tandem of the Merciless Midgets will be the victor of obtaining the Most Contribution before May 24th!  This has upset Cydel and a Debate took place.  Click HERE to review.



April 20th, 2005

Honor System is UP!  Stay tuned to the guild roster as we will soon be tracking the rankings of all our members.  



April 9th, 2005

The Merciless Midget(s) have ventured to Molten Core in the last week!  Also congratulations to Sythis a level 44 Dwarf Pally our newest member!



April 3rd, 2005

Welcome to the new members of both MM and M2M:

MM - Nailem Rogue

MM - Vargas Hunter

M2M - Mado Priest




April 1st, 2005

Today was the holyest of holy days in Merciless Midgetism.  For those of you who missed the festivities please review them HERE!!!!!



March 30th, 2005

Many of you know that talls can be very stupid!  But just how stupid can they get?  CLICK HERE to find out!



March 29th, 2005

Many of you know that Cloak has recently left the fine server of Darkspear!  The Merciless Midgets will not stand by and let Cloaks name and reputation become nothing but a whisper in the wind!  We have now erected a Shrine of Cloak!  To View it CLICK HERE




March 28th, 2005

Many of you have been receiving mail from the Recent Merciless Midget Mailers.  These will be sent to thousands upon the Darkspear community which we will use to pitch you many items that not only do we feel may improve your gameplay experience but will also put some money into your pockets.  Expect over the next few weeks to get thousands of mailers in your mail box from Credit Cards to Out of County meds.  From Illusionary Rod Enlargement Creme to Refinances of your Ingame Housing (which doesn't exist).  If you would like to be removed from the MM in-game mailers please mail Healem 1g in game.  This following is NOT a way to deal with the situation.





March 26th, 2005

Many people have asked me.  Healem where do midgets live since Ironforge is overrun with talls?  The answer is obvious but of course the people asking me this were highly retarded.  IN A MIDGET CAVE OF COURSE!  now for those of you who do not believe that the midget cave exists I have provided evidence of us preparing for battle and getting ready to leave our midget cave.  CLICK HERE TO VIEW



March 22nd, 2005

Well you have either been too busy playing counterstrike cause you get pwned on a daily basis by the Merciless Midgets OR you noticed that today was one of the larger patches.  Shamans go buffed which was exactly what they needed.  But more importantly there was the release of Dire Maul and the Midgets were there to start things off!  We officially implimented a Dire Maul Viewing Fee of 25 Silver for all those who wished to view.  Many many died, however, the MM did fatten up our bank accounts as many people were too excited to see DM to be bothered with getting Corpse Camped.  Thank you everyone who payed the tolls today.  By the way the group stone is a premium charge of 15 silver.  I got really mad seeing all the people today paying to pass but then thinking they bought rights to the group stone as well.  CLICK HERE TO VIEW




March 21st, 2005

WOW.... BIG NEWS GUYS.  The Artful Death FINALLY after months of having their crappy picture of taking down BRD have changed the picture and start up page!  Amazing.  Well since I know we all miss it the Merciless Midgets decided to make our own.  Only instead of needing 6 members to kill it we decided to run BRD with 4.  Gratz us!  CLICK HERE TO VIEW






March 18th, 2005

There has been a HUGE demand in game for me to provide an in depth analysis on Cloak much like the one I provided on Chipman on the 16th.  While I do not have TOO much evidence on him at the moment I have stated on the Forums that he has been confrimed to be a 300Lb.  Overweight Male who constructed a crown out of popsicle sticks and felt tipped "King of Alliance" on it.  You can view the proof of these allegations for yourself.  CLICK HERE FOR CLOAK.



March 17th, 2005

We would like to welcome Halinsback to joining the MM.  Level 44 Dwarf Warrior completed his 3 quests to join the guild INCLUDING luring his pervious guild into our slaves!  Congratulations bro.



March 16th, 2005

We recently found out over here at the MM/M2M that our arch-nemisis Chipman is actually going through legal difficulties right now.  More can be viewed if you         CLICK HERE






March 14th, 2005

Welcome the newest addition to the Mercy To Midgets Guild!  Yunky Level 60 Warrior Leaves Artful Death for M2M  MORE AD to follow! 








March 10th, 2005

Valmore has been promoted to Jedi-Master!  Congratulations Valmore.  Details can be viewed HERE








March 9th, 2005

The Merciless Game Masters have now been formed!  Congratualtions to all the GM's who have now decided to begin slaving for the MM.









March 8th, 2005

The Mercy To Midgets would like to welcome the following new Horde who have pledged to serve the midgets and are taking their first step to becoming a part of the most powerful organization on the server!  Welcome Anko, Voludo, Jiraiya, and Kisame!







March 7th, 2005

The Merciless Midgets Slave guild is now OFFICIAL all information about the Mercy To Midgets is now available on the Website.  All those who do NOT support Midgetism are urged to go to www.lemonparty.org Thank you.





March 5th, 2005

Snipem of the Merciless midgets has been promoted to General Mills W. Snipem.  Detailed reports of his progress can be viewed in our guild roster section under his name.  Just for your information you can access a lot of delicate information about our members just by clicking on their name under the guidl roster section.  Also in the next few days the Merciless Midgets will be releasign some new developments that will rock the Darkspear Community and Wow Community!  Stay Tuned!














February 26th, 2005

So much upcoming news its just so difficult to keep up with it all!  But we HAVE decided that we will be announcing all new members of the Merciless Midgets along with in depth explanations of what they had to do to join.  Everybody welcome our newest member JSS!













February 14th, 2005

Well Everyone Happy VALENTINES DAY!  The Merciless Midgets have decided to reveal to you some of our most secret Technology Today!  On the guild roster the newest member to our clan.  The Midget Mobile!  Engineered by Slashem, Shieldem, and Healem this device allows the midgets to get into battle to Slay talls EVEN FASTER!

Picture of the Week














February 2nd, 2005

The website has had more modifications made to the kills section.  Top 3 Merciless Midgets for this week on kills were:

#1 Healem

#2 Bitem

#3 Scuffem           














January 26th, 2005

The website has had minor cosmetic changes and we have decided that Wednesday will be screenshot update day!  Congratulations to the 55 talls who died and were documented to the hands of the Merciless Midgets in the last 3 days.

Healem: 55














January 23rd, 2005

The Guild recruitment polcies have been put in place today for all those who are interested in learning how to join the mighty organization of the Merciless Midgets please see "Guild Charter" section of the site... Also the site was remodeled due to Surions whining on the forums.












January 21st, 2005

Well the website for the Merciless Midgets is finally getting up and running and already the masses of the fine server of Darkspear are flooding to the site.  If anybody has any questions comments or concerns about the Merciless Midgets or things that you would like to see added during its creation days go ahead and E-mail us at mercilessmidgets@yahoo.com .















January 20th, 2005

Why are you reading this?  The Website didn't even exist on this day so how would there be any news?  Didn't you read January 21st thats the first day of website creation.


*If you are a filthy tall and have reached this website in error then please: click here*